#如意輪觀音陀羅尼 #如意寶輪王陀羅尼 #大蓮華峰金剛秘密如意輪咒 #觀自在菩薩如意心陀羅尼 #佛教 #如意輪觀音真言 #Avalokiteshvara #如意輪觀音 #觀音 #觀世音 #陀羅尼 #觀世音菩薩 #Mantra of the Wish-Fulfilling Wheel Guanyin #Mantra of the Wish-Fulfilling Jewel Wheel King #Secret Mantra of the Great Lotus Peak Vajra, Wish-Fulfilling Wheel Mantra #Mantra of the Wish-Fulfilling Mind of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva #Buddhism #Mantra of the Wish-Fulfilling Wheel Guanyin #Guanyin #Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva
#如意輪觀音陀羅尼 #如意寶輪王陀羅尼 #大蓮華峰金剛秘密如意輪咒 #觀自在菩薩如意心陀羅尼 #佛教 #如意輪觀音真言 #Avalokiteshvara #如意輪觀音 #觀音 #觀世音 #陀羅尼 #觀世音菩薩 #Mantra of the Wish-Fulfilling Wheel Guanyin #Mantra of the Wish-Fulfilling Jewel Wheel King #Secret Mantra of the Great Lotus Peak Vajra, Wish-Fulfilling Wheel Mantra #Mantra of the Wish-Fulfilling Mind of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva #Buddhism #Mantra of the Wish-Fulfilling Wheel Guanyin #Guanyin #Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva