金嗓行動式伴唱機 SuperSong700行動ktv卡拉ok移動式點歌機Golden Voice伴唱機奇宏音響金嗓行動伴唱機特約經銷商歡迎來店試聽天天都有優惠
奇摩購物: https://tw.bid.yahoo.com/tw/booth/Y5976206097
蝦皮拍賣: https://shopee.tw/bighony
奇宏音響官網: https://www.chyihong.com
來店試聽: https://goo.gl/maps/37pRBxdFa6u
新北市新莊區中正路700號 (特力屋南行200公尺)
電話: +886-2-2903 7766
行動電話:0935 920 881
• 內建藍牙雙向模組,是點歌機同時也能當音響。
• 可外接大螢幕or喇叭等影音設備,放大享受視覺聽覺雙重饗宴。(支援雙屏異顯)
• Android平台架構,擁有專屬應用商店,使用體驗更多元。
• 智選線上影音程式人聲消除。
• 內建錄音功能,美好歌聲一機全錄。
• 支援多國語言界面,接軌國際無設限。
• 手機/平板下載「金秘書」APP,變身為遙控器,多人歡唱無障礙。
• 行動式伴唱機領導品牌煥新回歸。
• 功率加大,體積不變
Music New Wave
Freedom Unleashed
Golden Voice Super Song700
Entertainment Multimedia Portable Karaoke Machine
Trend Revolution, Freedom of Expression.
Fully upgraded. A new realm of karaoke entertainment.
Trend Revolution, Freedom of Expression.
Performance Boost, Aiming for Excellence
• Same size, enhanced output power, wider sound transmission range, improved outdoor singing experience.
• Optimized wireless microphone transmission range, allowing voice-controlled song selection directly from the mic. Dynamic microphone design with intelligent noise reduction ensures a clear and interference-free singing experience.
Break the Mold, Defy Tradition
• Built-in Bluetooth bi-directional module. It’s both a karaoke machine and a speaker.
• Supports external connections to large screens or speakers, amplifying the visual and auditory experience (supports dual-screen display).
Stay Current, Innovate and Liberate
• Android-based platform with an exclusive app store for a more versatile user experience.
• Intelligent vocal removal for online media programs.
• Built-in recording function captures your beautiful singing all in one device.
• Supports multi-language interfaces, seamlessly connecting with the world.
Control Freely, Operate Effortlessly
• 10.1-inch tablet touch screen with a new UI for easier, more intuitive operation.
• Download the “Gold Secretary” app on your phone/tablet to transform it into a remote control for hassle-free group singing.
Sleek White Streamlined Design
• Conveys a new generation’s sense of freedom, vitality, and trendiness.
Lightweight and Portable
• Weighing only 6.5kg, with a premium leather carrying handle. All-in-one functionality in a portable design.
The King of Its Class
• A leader in portable karaoke machines returns, launching the fifth-generation SuperSong series. Since 2017, through four previous generations, it has sold tens of thousands of units.
Upgraded Outdoor Listening Experience
• Increased power without enlarging the size.
The sharp contrast between its compact size and powerful sound output delivers a wide and clear audio experience.
新莊除毛 | 美睫教學 | 深坑小吃 | 打擊樂 | 金屬加工 | 頌缽課程 | 監視器 | 冷氣保養 | 新北抓漏 | 精密鋼模 | 音圓 |
太歲燈 | 精密射出 | 霧眉教學 | 石墨烯床墊 | 音響 | 頌缽證照 | 頌缽創業 | 搬家公司 | 網站設計 | 美甲店 | CNC加工 |
新竹霧眉 | 新莊美睫 | 負離子床墊 | 感情和合 | 冷氣安裝 | cnc | 台中霧眉 | 新北抓漏 | 霧眉 | 台北裝潢 | 安裝冷氣 |
霧眉教學 | 中和搬家 | 霧眉課程 | 金屬加工 | 金嗓 | 螺螄粉 | 伴唱機 | 石墨烯 | 美睫店 | 精密射出 | 塑膠模具 |
預約 (02)8992-0525 0915-551807
Line ID︰pollyninteen
Fb︰ https://www.facebook.com/eyelash530