雅思口說|口說語料庫【Part 3:情緒(二)】
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1. refuse to trust their first impulses 不會相信自己的第一反應
2. hatred may mask love 恨可以掩飾愛
3. anger may be a cover for sadness 憤怒可以遮蓋悲傷
4. be are prone to huge and costly inaccuracies 得到代價很高的不準確性
5. what we seek 追求什麼
The Emotionally Intelligent refuse to trust their first impulses or the wisdom of their feelings. They know that hatred may mask love, that anger may be a cover for sadness and that we are prone to huge and costly inaccuracies in whom we desire and what we seek.在情感上用智慧的人不會相信自己的第一反應和情緒的諫言。他們知道恨可以掩飾愛,憤怒可以遮蓋悲傷,我們很容易因為不能準確的理解我們自己的渴望和追求,而付出高昂的代價
6. be crushed by failure 被失敗壓垮
7. greet the troubles of existence with a melancholy and at points darkly humorous resilience用他們憂鬱而又不失幽默的韌性面對存在的麻煩
Emotional Intelligence is also what distinguishes those who are crushed by failure from those who know how to greet the troubles of existence with a melancholy and at points darkly humorous resilience. 情感智力的區別使有些人被失敗壓垮,而另一些人則能用他們憂鬱而又不失幽默的韌性,面對存在帶來的麻煩。
8. well-handled pessimism 處理得當的悲觀主義
The Emotionally Intelligent appreciate the role of well-handled pessimism within the overall economy of a good life.有情感智力的人能體會健康的悲觀主義,在人生經濟中扮演的角色。
9. isn’t an inborn talent 不是一種天賦
10. the result of education 是教育的結果
11. how to interpret ourselves 怎樣解釋我們自己
12. where our emotions arise from 情感的來由
13. how our childhoods influence us 我們的童年會怎樣影響
14. navigate our fears and wishes 處理恐懼和期望的方式
Emotional Intelligence isn’t an inborn talent. It’s the result of education, specifically in how to interpret ourselves, where our emotions arise from, how our childhoods influence us and how we might best navigate our fears and wishes. 情感智力不是一種天賦,而是教育的結果。尤其是怎樣解釋我們自己,我們情感的來由以及我們的童年會怎樣影響……到我們處理恐懼和期望的方式。
15. be taught from the youngest age 在少年時被教導
In the utopia, it would be routine to be taught Emotional Intelligence from the youngest age, before we had had the opportunity to make too many mistakes. 在一個理想世界,這些知識將在少年時被教導,早在我們還沒有重蹈覆轍之前
16. has grown ever more technically adept 在技術上發達
17. retain the level of wisdom of our earliest days 保持著不成熟的心智
18. with catastrophic results 帶來災難性的結果
It is because we have – until now – not taken Emotional Education seriously enough that our species has grown ever more technically adept while retaining the level of wisdom of our earliest days; with catastrophic results.正是因為我們直到現在還沒有認真地對待,情感智力的教育以至於人類在技術上發達的同時,卻保持著不成熟的心智,這將帶來災難性的結果。
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